John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” 

There is something that you need to know, because whoever you are reading these words, it applies to you: There is a real enemy that comes only to bring destruction and devastation to the plans God has for you. The thief is relentless in his attempts to keep you from the path of life and he often does it by whispering lies of doubt, fear, and defeat to our hearts and minds. 

These lies lead to confusion, frustration, disbelief, and ultimately the death of purpose. It’s heartbreaking to think that countless people live ruled by the tactics of the enemy, and many don’t even know it. 

Could it be that they haven’t grabbed hold of the hope introduced in the second half of John 10:10? 

Yes, there is a thief that has come only to steal, kill, and destroy, but there is also a Savior who has come that we may have life and life abundantly (or to the very fullest)! Without Him, our destiny would be a life without hope, but He intervened, and changed the ending of the story for those who come to Him. Those who accept Him are delivered, set free, and made new. 

Freedom from every lie is found in the truth of God’s word, and in it, the path of life is revealed. 

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11

Each individual has been given an invitation to surrender to Jesus, and if we do, the ashes of defeat are exchanged for something unexpectedly beautiful. He can redeem any part of our story - even the parts we thought were too messy. What was once meant for evil is turned around for good and we are left with a story of His goodness to tell to a broken world. 

What was once meant for destruction becomes an opportunity to tell others about the faithfulness of God. That is our purpose. 

Too often, we dwell in the ashes and remain surrounded by the wreckage that the enemy caused in our lives. We live bound by lies, doubts, fears, and allow ourselves to be convinced that our journey will end in disappointment. We don’t take the way out that has been provided to us through the love of a Savior. 

An example of this in my own life has been fear. I have, at times, lived crippled by fear. I have allowed it to control my decision-making, to steal my peace, and to keep me from stepping fully into all that God has called me to and all that He has called me to be. I found freedom from fear in God’s presence. I began to read His word, apply it to my life, and continually ask Him  to help me in surrendering my fear.  

I still have moments where I am afraid, but fear no longer has authority over my life. I don’t allow it to steal from the abundance Jesus came for me to have. 

The only way to take back what the thief has stolen is to grab hold of the truth. Everything changes when we grab hold of the promises God has written for those who accept His love. We can remain in the defeat of lies or claim the victory found in the truth alone. 

The reality is, where you dwell will determine your days. We can walk in the path of life or the path of death, there is no in between. Will we be led by the enemy who has come to steal, kill, and destroy or walk with the Savior who has filled us with purpose, poured out His promises, and will guide us into a life of abundance? 

There is fullness of joy in His presence and it is available to all who choose to spend their time there. The joy found in Him is not determined by our season, circumstance, or situation, but by who He is. 

We haven’t been left to journey alone. The path of life has not been hidden from us. He longs to walk with us, talk with us, and to reveal His goodness to us along the way. When we walk with Him, we are met with an overflow of abundance. 

The fullness of joy is our portion despite what we face in the journey. 

When we choose Jesus, we exchange a destiny of defeat and destruction for an everlasting hope. We become recipients of all that He promises to those who love Him and participants in introducing others to the abundant life we have found in Him alone. The more you spend time in the presence of Jesus, the more you long for others to know Him. 

Once you experience the joy being in His presence provides, you will come to an understanding that there is no better place to be. 

Receive His love, remain in His presence, and receive the fullness of joy. 

That is abundance. 


For Deeper Study:


What is a lie that you have believed that has kept you from living in the abundance Jesus came for you to experience? 

Spend some time in His presence and write down a promise found in the truth of His word that will help you to overcome the lie and experience joy in a new way. 

Example: I have struggled with believing the lie of fear over my life. God’s word assures me that I do not have to fear because He is with me always. I will walk in freedom from fear because I trust that I am not alone. 


Key Verses:

John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” 

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11


Verse of the Month Details:

This month’s bundle includes a perfect pullover for spring, a ring from our promises collection, and a pretty floral notepad. 

Click here to see the bundle + visit the store!



Dear Heart